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Your Home Office Away from Home

Aurora Coworking

Coworking is more about community, growth, and inspiration than anything else. We are creating with our members a comfortable space for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and independent professionals to thrive. And our locations are the best!

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Illustration by Jernej Gračner


A different approach

At Aurora Coworking, we aim to create and adapt cooperative models to manage our coworking spaces. We adjust to local requirements and optimize our fees to remain competitive. As a member-managed community, we prioritize flexibility and collaboration to meet the unique needs of our members.

Aurora Coworking is scaleable

Aurora Coworking in your city or town.

Are you interested in starting a Coworking space close to you? We are ready to help you.

We are Aurora Coworking

For more details, contact us:

© Aurora Coworking, an initiative of Lincoln Island Initiatives, Skrivnostni Otok d.o.o. so. p. All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy & Terms of Use.

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Sharing 10 Years of Community-Driven Coworking Experience

Aurora Coworking Lab

Empowering municipalities, local governments, and organizations with 10 years of experience in building sustainable, community-driven coworking spaces.

With over a decade of experience building self-sustaining, member-managed coworking communities, Aurora Coworking Lab offers a proven approach to creating spaces where collaboration and growth thrive. We are here to share our expertise, methodologies, and coworking philosophy with municipalities, local governments, development agencies, and university faculties, empowering them to launch impactful coworking initiatives that foster connection, innovation, and local development.

Do you want to know how can we support your Coworking projects?

With 10 years of experience, Aurora Coworking Lab helps municipalities, local governments, and organizations build thriving coworking spaces. We know the processes needed to operate a coworking space, understand what users seek (and what they don’t know they need), and offer a self-sustaining model that is more resilient than high-cost, high-investment alternatives. Our people-first approach ensures stronger communities, making your coworking initiative impactful and sustainable. Fill out the form below to learn how we can support your project.

Our Achievements: Proven Experience in Sustainable Coworking

  • Adaptive Business Model: Successfully adjusts to market and local conditions, ensuring sustainability and resilience.

  • Community-Driven Operations: A model that fosters strong social connections, collaboration, and shared ownership among members.

  • Employee-Free Management: Our member-managed approach allows the space to run smoothly without the need for hired staff.

  • Proven in Small Towns and Cities: Our model thrives beyond big urban centers, creating impact in local communities.

More about Aurora Coworking

Aurora Coworking has been recognized twice by the Central European Startup Awards in the category of Best Coworking Space.

Aurora Coworking winner Best Coworking Space

Our coworking experience comes from Aurora Coworking Ljubljana and Aurora Coworking Murska Sobota — two hubs in distinct Slovenian regions. Each location serves unique demographics and needs, yet both thrive through our proven community-building methodologies.

Aurora Coworking contributed to the Coworking Spain Conference 2023 panel on Rural Coworking, sharing its experience in building successful, community-driven coworking spaces in rural Slovenia. The discussion highlighted how coworking fosters local development despite challenges like low population density.

Coworking in special places. The reality of Rural Coworking

Aurora Coworking was featured in Cobot’s blog article Finding a Cure for Loneliness, showcasing its philosophy of building sustainable, member-managed coworking communities in rural areas. The article highlights how Aurora fosters meaningful connections and a sense of belonging, even in smaller towns, through its unique coworking approach.
Cobot, a leading coworking management software provider, supports coworking spaces globally in managing operations efficiently and nurturing vibrant communities.
Article by Marc Navarro.

Aurora Coworking Team

Jose and Teja combine their expertise in operations, processes, technology, and social entrepreneurship to foster positive social change through coworking and community-building. Together, they bring a unique blend of practical experience and visionary thinking to help create sustainable, people-centered coworking spaces that thrive.

© Aurora Coworking, an initiative of Lincoln Island Initiatives, Skrivnostni Otok d.o.o. so. p. All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy & Terms of Use.

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10 Years of Community-Driven Coworking Experience

Project AC Celje

Ten years ago, we started building a vibrant coworking community in Murska Sobota. A year and a half ago, we expanded to Ljubljana. Now, we’re excited to explore the possibility of bringing Aurora Coworking to Celje.Aurora Coworking is more than just a workspace – it’s a community where entrepreneurship is our shared language. Our members help shape the culture, take initiative, and collaborate with the managing team to make key decisions. Think of Aurora as a decentralized, flat organization – much like a DAO – providing not just a comfortable place to work, but also fostering a culture of support, sharing, and growth.We welcome freelancers and small teams (2-3 people) who value collaboration and independence.We believe in collaboration, not competition. Aurora Coworking seeks to work hand-in-hand with other organizations supporting entrepreneurship in Celje and beyond. Our spaces are designed exclusively for our members – they can host events and start their own activities, ensuring a focused and supportive environment for all who work here.

Join us in building something meaningful together.
Celje, we’re ready. Are you?

Use the following form to express your interest and preferences:

More about the idea

At Aurora Coworking, our goal is to create a thriving coworking community in Celje with around 20 dedicated members. We believe this is the right size to cover essential costs such as rent, utilities, and management expenses through flexible, long-term memberships. Unlike traditional coworking spaces, we don’t hire employees to manage day-to-day operations. Instead, Jose and Teja share responsibilities, ensuring smooth operations across administration, legal, financial, technological, and community-building aspects. Our approach is designed to be flexible, member-driven, and resilient – which is why we focus on multi-month agreements rather than daily or weekly memberships. We want to build a space that grows with its members, offering stability and a genuine sense of community.

Project AC Celje Team

Jose and Teja operate Aurora Coworking spaces in Murska Sobota and Ljubljana.

Nina and Matic are the first community leaders joining forces to make the project a reality.

© Aurora Coworking, an initiative of Lincoln Island Initiatives, Skrivnostni Otok d.o.o. so. p. All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy & Terms of Use.

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Aurora Coworking Lab

Občine, lokalne skupnosti in organizacije podpiramo pri oblikovanju trajnostnih, v skupnost usmerjenih coworking prostorov.

Z več kot desetletjem izkušenj pri vzpostavljanju samozadostnih, člansko vodenih coworking skupnosti Aurora Coworking Lab ponuja preverjen pristop k ustvarjanju prostorov za sodelovanje in rast. Svoje znanje, metodologije in filozofijo coworkinga želimo deliti z občinami, lokalnimi skupnostmi, razvojnimi agencijami in univerzami ter vas podpreti pri zagonu vaših coworking pobud, ki bodo spodbujale povezovanje, inovacije in lokalni razvoj.

Kako lahko podpremo vaš coworking projekt?

Na osnovi naših desetletnih izkušenj v Aurora Coworking Lab pomagamo občinam, lokalnim skupnostim in organizacijam pri vzpostavitvi uspešnih coworking prostorov. Poznamo procese, ki so potrebni za uspešno delovanje coworking prostorov, razumemo, kaj iščejo uporabniki (vemo tudi, česa še ne vedo, da potrebujejo), ter ponujamo samozadostni model, ki je bolj odporen od visokocenovnih in kapitalsko intenzivnih alternativ. Z našim pristopom postavimo ljudi na prvo mesto, s tem pa krepimo skupnost ter zagotavljamo dolgoročno vzdržnost in pozitiven družbeni vpliv vašega coworking prostora. Izpolnite spodnji obrazec, da se pogovorimo, kako lahko podpremo vaš projekt.

Naši dosežki: Preverjene izkušnje s trajnostnim Coworkingom

  • Prilagodljiv poslovni model – Uspešno se prilagaja tržnim in lokalnim razmeram ter zagotavlja dolgoročno vzdržnost in odpornost.

  • Skupnostno vodenje – Model, ki spodbuja močne socialne vezi, sodelovanje in soodgovornost med člani.

  • Učinkovito brez zaposlenih – Člansko vodenje omogoča nemoteno delovanje prostora brez potrebe po stalno zaposlenem osebju.

  • Preizkušeno v manjših mestih – Naš model uspešno deluje tudi zunaj velikih urbanih središč in prinaša pozitiven vpliv na lokalne skupnosti.

Več o Aurora Coworking

Aurora Coworking je bil dvakrat prepoznan na Central European Startup Awards v kategoriji najboljši coworking prostor.

Aurora Coworking winner Best Coworking Space

Naše izkušnje temeljijo na vzpostavitvi in upravljanju dveh coworking prostorov v dveh zelo različnih regijah v Sloveniji - Aurora Coworking Ljubljana in Aurora Coworking Murska Sobota. Vsak od teh prostorov je prilagojen edinstvenim demografskim in poslovnim potrebam, vendar sta oba uspešna zaradi naše preverjene metodologije za gradnjo skupnosti.

Aurora Coworking je sodeloval na Coworking Spain Conference 2023, kjer smo v panelu o podeželskem coworkingu delili izkušnje o vzpostavljanju uspešnih, skupnostno vodenih coworking prostorov na podeželju v Sloveniji. V razpravi smo izpostavili, kako coworking spodbuja lokalni razvoj kljub izzivom, ki jih prinaša majhna gostota prebivalstva.

Coworking in special places. The reality of Rural Coworking

Naš pristop h coworkingu je bil predstavljen tudi v blogu Cobot v članku Finding a Cure for Loneliness, kjer smo pokazali, kako Aurora Coworking gradi trajnostne, člansko vodene coworking skupnosti na podeželju in spodbuja pristne povezave ter občutek pripadnosti, tudi v manjših krajih.
Cobot je vodilni ponudnik programske opreme za upravljanje coworking prostorov, ki globalno podpira coworking skupnosti pri učinkovitem upravljanju in rasti.(Avtor članka je Marc Navarro.)

Ekipa Aurora Coworking

Jose in Teja združujeva strokovno znanje poslovanja, procesov, tehnologije in socialnega podjetništva ter skozi coworking in gradnjo skupnosti prispevava k pozitivnim družbenim spremembam. S svojim edinstvenim prepletom praktičnih izkušenj in vizionarskega razmišljanja pomagava ustvarjati trajnostne, v ljudi usmerjene in uspešne coworking prostore.

© Aurora Coworking, an initiative of Lincoln Island Initiatives, Skrivnostni Otok d.o.o. so. p. All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy & Terms of Use.